While we would hope that one’s wedding day would be perfect in every way, there are bound to be a few snags here and there. Your maid-of-honor gets a blister from her new high heels, one of your bridesmaids comes down with a headache due to a few too many glasses of wine at the rehearsal dinner the night before, and another bridesmaid dribbles a bit of her shrimp cocktail sauce on her mint colored dress. Thankfully, you thought ahead and prepared a cute survival kit for them.
Aspirin, band-aids, spot remover, breath mints and tissues are all good items to include to help your maids through the long day, so they can focus on what really matters: you and your groom.

Jillian came up with this cute idea you can make WAY ahead of time and pass out to your ladies before the wedding.
All you have to do is create a label (or use our templates), print, cut it out, fill your cellophane bag and staple the label over the top. Sooo easy.
Bridal Party Survival Kit Templates here and here.Have a fun weekend everyone. We’re working on a bunch of good posts for next week.