It’s Friday, we’re in a fabulous mood with this three-day weekend ahead of us, so we’re going to do something a little different today. We’re going to share a birthday partay! When Alec Vanderboom sends you an event it’s pretty hard to say no to sharing it, and we thought you’d all love this birthday party for Ashley of we are the parsons. It’s perfect inspiration for any event you might be planning, wedding included!

The mastermind behind this soiree? Jeremy, Ashley’s husband and second half of photography duo, we are the parsons. The bio on their site is a must read. It’s silly, heartfelt and will give you a glimpse into the fun life and love they have for each other and their two sons, referred to as “the brothers”.

Great food, vintage lighting, floral goodness, Bluegrass playing all evening long, one large family-style table amidst the best of friends? There really isn’t a more perfect way to celebrate.

With the help of all their friends coming together, Jeremy pulled off such a memorable event. We can only imagine the incredible woman Ashley must be! Thanks for capturing this celebration so perfectly Alec. You have us looking forward to throwing parties like this in the long Summer nights ahead. Happy birthday Ashley!
Photography: Alec Vanderboom / Flowers: Blue Bouquet / Bluegrass Band: Oriole Post / Catering: Dave Lueck /