If you’ve been called a typography snob and detail freak, you already have something in common with Amanda Thomas, founder of Alee and Press. She’s a true creative at heart that truly understands how the arm of a “t”, the shoulder of a “m”, or the bowl of a “d” will impact the design of your completely customizable wedding invitation, save the date, and stationery. There are a lot of new goodies that have just been added to their 2012 wedding collection. Take a look! They’re perfect examples of letterpress stationery at its best! OH! and p.s..she’s offering her amazing invitation services in our Pop-up Shop on January 31st!
Why Alee and Press get brownie points:
We print with soy based inks, use 100% cotton paper (tree-free), we reuse packaging from our suppliers, clean up the presses with less-toxic solvents, we donate 1% of our sales to help save the planet, shred our own packaging material from misprints + scraps, we love the environment!