Every now and then we like to sprinkle a little engagement sesh into the mix to remind us all of those sweet photos that get snapped of couples pre-wedding, pre-wedding dress, pre-dance party, pre-stress. The talented Hollin Brodeur (also a High School friend of Ashley’s) captures some of the most memorable weddings and has the fun job of working with some lovely couples. Ashley + Kris together with Hollin, in Joshua Tree National Park, during a sunset – it’s pretty much magical folks.

What do you know? They’re officially married as of last weekend! Spoiler alert: they got married at the Ace Hotel in Palm Springs.

Everyone needs to visit the desert some time in their life and everyone needs photos like these. Stunning!

Want to hear their story? Of course you do. Here’s how it all went down:
Kris and I met while attending college in Walla Walla, Washington (even though both of us are originally from California). We met at a mutual friends’ house and bonded over our similar taste in music. We became good friends over the next several months and discovered how much we had in common. After he brought me his grandma’s home-made crepes, I knew I had found “the one”. We eventually both moved back down to California and have been together for almost 5 years! I traveled with Kris’ family to Maui after he graduated from physical therapy school last June. Kris asked if I would like to go to dinner one night by ourselves and he took me to a beautiful restaurant right off the water. After dinner, we took a walk along the beach and Kris got down on one knee and asked me to be his wife!