Is it normal to say that we could talk pretty paper All. Day. Long? Gold foil, hand-lettering, laser cut, letterpress… Ya see what we mean? If you’re looking to find all of the above in one place, you’ll definitely want to take a look at Invitations by Dawn. Equipped with a talented team always on the lookout for the latest wedding trends, they have a ton of designs to go with any wedding vibe. They’re inspired by fashion and culture, but also friends + fam—which makes for a lovely way to rep your wedding, no?

(The color options are extensive, may we just note!)

Perhaps for a modern Gatsby-esque theme like this Chicago Gatsby wedding?
For 35 years, Invitations by Dawn has focused on creating stationery that’s a direct expression of you + your s/o’s personality and style. Invites come in every price range too. Our advice? Scroll right through all the invitations to see what catches your eye right at first glance!

This design could inspire a romantic woodland wedding theme, we think.

For an exclusive offer for 100lc readers, Use code 100LAYER20 for 20% off your Invitations by Dawn purchase, including premium collections like Letterpress and Foil-Stamped! (Excludes Disney Invitations.) Offer is valid through 3/26/2015.
PS: Find more of their stationery here.