We’re always impressed with what can be created from finding beauty in unexpected muses: grey skies, stormy weather, moody tones. With Oregon clouds and a shipwreck as her inspiration, Susanna of pistils & stamen gathered a talented crew (no pun intended) for a seaside editorial that reps the romantic side of grey. Luckily, PNW wedding photographer Ellie Asher Photo is a pro at capturing that very thing.

This quote (you may recognize from Shakespeare in Love) was their jumping off point, as recreated by Kelsey Malie Calligraphy + turned into the message in a bottle:
“My story starts at sea, a perilous voyage to an unknown land. A shipwreck. The wild waters roar and heave. The brave vessel is dashed all to pieces. And all the helpless souls within her drowned. All save one. A lady. Whose soul is greater than the ocean, and her spirit stronger than the sea’s embrace. Not for her a watery end, but a new life beginning on a stranger shore. It will be a love story. For she will be my heroine for all time.”

Susanna explains, I had been wanting to do a shipwrecked themed shoot for ages and with these other Portland vendors on board we set about creating something moody, romantic and beautiful with a very Oregon feel. Some people don’t much like the grey skies here but I think they lend a gorgeous palette to any photography.

A bridal hair piece made of air plants? Yes sir!

Susanna says, Ellie’s work is just stunning, as always. Anna of Sweetheart St, Johns created the perfect cake (which we had to defend from marauding seagulls at one point!) The dress from Elizabeth Dye was perfect on our model and the chemistry between the two of them—who are friends—worked beautifully. Kelsey’s calligraphy was totally on point with the mood. Last but not least, the beautiful furniture from Lane at Something Borrowed was the perfect set for our little dream of a shoot.

Thanks to Ellie Asher Photo, Susanna, + the team for sharing an absolutely stunning shoot! What a way to walk into the weekend.
Photography: Ellie Asher Photo / Floral Design & Styling: pistils & stamen / Hair & Makeup: Austie Eckley / Calligraphy: Kelsey Malie Calligraphy / Cake: Sweetheart St Johns / Bouquet Cuff: Anna B Sutton / Vintage Furniture & Props: Something Borrowed / Ribbon: Silk & Willow / Bride’s Dress: Elizabeth Dye / Models: Sarah McNie & Gabe from Savage Models in Portland