It’s kind of nice having the last weekend before Christmas be an entire week away from the day itself, isn’t it? Offering up the possibility of crossing the last of the shopping + wrapping off the list and relaxing a bit on the days leading up? Having gifts to wrap isn’t the worst thing in the world! Bonus points if you can get a few fantastic photos out of the deal, like the one above of Sugar Paper gift wrap.

Very Kate Spade-esque Sugar Paper wrap, no?

Photo: House Doctor via Marrianne Debourg
If you’re a loooong time Cakie you may recall this gift bow tutorial we shared from Whole Living.

Remember our gift wrap party? Hop over to the post for more DIY gift wrap ideas.

Mix and match with favorites from your gift wrap stash (you all have one of those, right?) like in this collection by Randi Brookman Harris.

Classic homemade gift wrap from eat sleep cuddle.

This DIY washi tape wrapping by Almost Makes Perfect might be the easiest ever. And cutest.

Love the variety in this inspirational DIY gift wrap from walk in love…

Last-minute wrapping party, anyone?