Ultimate wedding & party destination since 2009

Introducing our A-list guide member: Mary Costa Weddings

May 2, 2017
Bohemian wedding

Hello, hello! We’re super excited to intro you to our A-list member, Mary Costa Weddings. Why, you ask? We know how much you all love colorful, vibrant weddings, and that’s what Mary is *all* about. Not only are all her photos bright and endlessly fun, they’ve still got that timeless feel to them.

PS One lucky reader will get the chance to snag 25% off a wedding collection, too. Details below!

Colorful engagement portraits Indie wedding ceremony Mod cloth wedding dress

Did we mention we’ve been lucky enough to work with Mary Costa a few times before? Yeeeah, you’ll want to go ahead and open a new tab to see the amazing bridal shoot she captured for us.

Bright bridal bouquet

Even though you’re certain to find a vibrant, colorful theme across her photos, she takes extra care to make sure the hues show up just right. No oversaturated photos here! More like *classic with a pop*, just how we like ’em.

Romantic wedding portraits Vintage VW van portraits Mary Costa Weddings is based in Los Angeles, but don’t worry if you don’t call LA home! She’s originally from New Hampshire and is big on travel. Her photography is a balance between beautiful, timeless portraits and those candid, authentic moments.

Vintage getaway car Spring wedding ideas

As you can tell, Mary is especially drawn to bright natural light, bold colors, and clean lines. And doesn’t she do a spectacular job with all three? She particularly connects with fun-loving, creative thinkers that aren’t afraid to show their love for one another, and believes that a wedding isn’t just ultimate celebration of love, but the beginning of a beautiful lifelong partnership, too. Of course, you want your wedding photos to reflect all that and more, right?

Colorful engagment portraits

Peruse more of Mary Costa’s wedding photography in our gallery below!

Find Mary Costa Weddings on Insta and take a peek at her portfolio in our guide.

25% off giveaway! Want 25% off a wedding collection with Mary Costa Weddings? Just shoot an email to info@marycostaphotography.com and mention this post, and she’ll pick 1 winner by May 15, 2017 to receive the discount.