Today we’re talking about one of our favorite things in the world: AUTOMATION! Yup, you read that right :). “Automation” isn’t a super sexy word, but stick with us for a sec. One of the best ways to enjoy wedding planning (and keep from the dreaded overwhelm) is to do less of it.

(Photo by Leo Patrone)
These days, the best way to do less work planning is to make your computer do more! We’ve got 3 simple automation tips that will let you set it and forget it, so you can get back to binging your favorite Netflix show next weekend, in no time. We’ve also created a FREE RESOURCES SHEET to get a list of our go-to tools around the web. By the way, all of our go-to tools are also free… Because that’s the way we roll 😉
Pick a list-making system and use it religiously
You’ll be amazed by how much faster you can check things off your list, once you actually HAVE a list! Plus, trying to remember everything in your head, adds to a sense of anxiety and chaos. Write everything down in one place, and do it online, so it can’t get lost in the bottom of your bag. Then let it go until your next chance to work on the wedding. Once you get in the habit of doing this, you’ll never have to wonder, “what should I be working on next?” which can gobble up tons of time. When you have a block of time to work on the wedding, just do the next thing on the list.

(Photo by Rylee Hitchner)
Create email templates
If you think you might have to send the same (or similar) email more than once, save it in your drafts and add the word TEMPLATE to the end of the subject line. Now you can go back and copy + paste this template anytime you need it. This is especially handy when you’re reaching out to new vendors, giving vendors information about the venue, and sending out timelines for the wedding or other events.

(Photo by Rylee Hitchner)
Add Google Chrome Extensions
If you’re using Gmail for your email server (which we recommend) make sure you’re using Google Chrome for your browser so you can take advantage of all the amazing Extensions. They can help you get contracts signed, remind you to follow up when someone hasn’t responded to you, quickly set up meetings with multiple people, and the list goes on! This is the ultimate set it and forget it.

(Photo by Heather Waraksa)
The world of automation is pretty vast and can sometimes feel daunting to put in work ahead of time (like making and organizing a to-do list), but the truth is that it DOES save you a ton of time in the long run. And we’re not just talking 10 or 20 minutes, we’re talking hours and even days. Trust us–we’ve tested both ways for you ;). Don’t forget to download our FREE RESOURCES SHEET with our favorite list making tools and Chrome Extensions. Check out some other favorite time saving tips like how to collect guest addresses with the click of a button, our guide to all the wedding invitation wording you’ll ever need, and our copy and paste email template to send out to all your perspective venues.
Teissia + Alia
PS: If you missed last week’s post by Firefly Events, click to learn how to send gorgeous wedding invitations without breaking the bank!