As Mother’s Day approaches, we’ve been thinking of something extra special to do for our moms. Flowers are the natural and completely beautiful choice, but when Teleflora asked us to share some of our favorite Mother’s Day arrangements from their collection with you all, we got to thinking. What if you created a uniquely thoughtful moment for your mama, with a beautiful bouquet AND a handful of lovingly selected sweet treats to match?
For many of you we’re guessing that your mom is a big part of your wedding planning process, so whether you’re freshly engaged or newly married, why not take this holiday to show her how much you appreciate her in your life as you start your own family with your betrothed? This super fun Luxurious Lavender Bouquet is brand new for Mother’s Day 2016 and is sure to make your mama smile big when it arrives at her door.
Every bouquet from Teleflora comes ready to enjoy and is professionally-arranged and hand-delivered by a local florist in your (or your mom’s!) neighborhood.
Tarts, cakes, macarons, candies… it’s all lovely when paired with something as beautiful as the Lush and Lovely arrangement featured here. We even added our own coordinating ribbon for a simple, thoughtful touch to the already stunning florals.
If your mama is the modern type, we love the bright yellows in the Sweetest Sunrise Bouquet.
And for our final favorite from Teleflora’s extensive collection of designer floral arrangements, we chose this bright and beautiful Beauty in Bloom Bouquet, which is bursting with roses and lilies and wild bits of greenery. It just has to make mom smile, which is really what this day is all about.
We hope you’re inspired to do something extra nice for your mom on Sunday May 8th!
*This post is sponsored by Teleflora. We so appreciate each of our sponsors as they allow us to create beautiful, inspiring content for all of us to enjoy!*