Bottoms up, cakies! Joielala, The Hostess Haven, and Please & Thank You are back again with another Mad Men-inspired beverage for you to sip while watching this week’s episode. Because whether you’re hosting a viewing party or curling up on the couch in your jammies, we fully support having a vintage cocktail in hand. This week, it’s the Brandy Alexander. We can totes imagine Betty or Megan whipping one of these up along with a tray of deviled eggs or a pot of fondue. But on the off chance that you’re not a Mad Men watcher, it would make a yummy signature cocktail at your wedding too!

Brandy Alexander:
– cognac
– crème de cacao
– cream
– grated nutmeg

P.S. Make sure to check out these Mai Tai and Old Fashioned recipes too.
Photographer: Joielala / Styling: The Hostess Haven / Location: Private Residence of Jora Vess / Food: The Vetted Table / Cocktails: Please & Thank You / Wardrobe: Butch Wax Vintage