Knob Bouquet
A few months ago Simply Bloom shot a beautiful styled session full of splendid décor ideas; one of the most original details was a creation by their bride, Tori. She with the help of her new husband, Devin crafted—a vintage inspired cabinet knob bouquet!
The unique bouquet had an overwhelming response from our readers so we decided to show everyone exactly how you can create your own unique knob bouquet!
Step 1. Scavenge antique shops, thrift stores, your local Anthropologie, as well as craft stores for a collection of knobs that are just your taste.
Step 2. Acquire lace, fabric and trims to adorn the stem & circumference of your bouquet.
Step 3. Be sure to have a Styrofoam cone, scissors, fabric glue as well as a mini glue gun on hand! *Suggestion—you can “carve” your Styrofoam cone on the sides to make the shape less solid.
Step 4. You are going to want to cover the flat surface of your cone with some thin fabric. Draw the circumference on the fabric. This fabric must be thin because you will later press the knob through this—lace is ideal!
Step 5. Glue the thin fabric you’ve cut around the cone.
Step 6. Now with new thicker fabric of your choice alternate ruffling and gluing all around the cone. You can choose to go around the cone twice with ruffles for a fuller effect!
Step 7. Wind ribbon around the cone starting three quarters of the way down from the tip.
Step 8. Decorate with additional patterned fabric of your taste!
Step 9. Begin to push knobs through the lace and Styrofoam. You can secure the knobs into the Styrofoam by adding a small dollop of hot glue.
Voila’ your own cabinet knob bouquet is created!