Ultimate wedding & party destination since 2009

How to throw a modern tea party bridal shower

Ah, the weekend… So close yet so far. Luckily we’re always down to start the festivities early, which is why we had to share this bridal shower tea party with ya first thing this morn. We even got Sam of REVEL Wedding Co. to spill her secrets with us so that any Cakies reading this…

Victorian mad tea party themed wedding | Photo by Gabriel Harber Photography | Read more - http://www.100layercake.com/blog/?p=68167

Victorian mad tea party themed wedding: Ella + Chris

We know we’re not the only ones who have fantasized about attending a mad tea party at some point. Which is why we’re a wee bit jelly of all the guests in attendance at Ella + Chris’s wedding. From cocktails served in teacups to perfectly mismatched chairs and china, every little detail is straight outta…

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